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Ghost Pipe Tincture for Anxiety & Pain

Updated: Nov 2, 2022

Ghost Pipe

The Cherokee have a legend of this white flowering plant found under the forest floor during late summer. The Cherokee tell of chiefs of warring tribes coming together in council to try to settle disputes over hunting & fishing grounds. Smoking peace pipes over 7 days & nights without reaching an agreement, The Great Spirit transformed the chiefs into the white flowers of the Ghost Pipe.

Ghost pipe, Monotropa uniflora, also called Indian Pipe, does not contain chlorophyll and does not perform photosynthesis. Ghost pipe only produces one flower per stem surfacing from the forest floor when conditions are optimal for these underground feeders to bloom.

Ghost pipe offers potential medicinal benefits to suffers' of anxiety & chronic pain. One of the main elements of ghost pipe is salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is an analgesic, meaning it can relieve pain. This amazing flower has been credited with reducing severe pain, both physical & emotional. Ghost pipe often makes people feel more grounded & present at the moment to deal with pain.

The use of ghost pipe tinctures prior to a potential known emotional confrontation or the triggering of emotional memories can sedate the sympathetic nervous system & allow one to keep their head clearer to respond & decrease the fight or flight reaction.

Ghost Pipe Tincture has a very bitter taste. It should be chased with water or even diluted with water. The poor taste will dissipate quickly when taking a drink of water immediately after consumption.

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