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Become Proactive with Body Bugs!

If you have children or work with children, then your skin can crawl when you see someone scratching their head. While the exact numbers are not known, the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention estimates that between 6 million to 12 million people get head lice each year in the United States. People can be the host to 3 different types of parasitic insects: head louse, body louse, & pubic louse.

Girl scratching head

The most common people to get infested with head lice are preschool & elementary school children. Cleanliness is not directly related to harboring these body bugs, but unknowingly having direct contact with an infected person. Children are more prone to hosting as they generally have more direct body contact than adults, & borrow other children's hats, combs, or even stuffed animals.

Body lice live in clothing & only move to the skin for a blood meal. This type of lice thrives in conditions of overcrowding & poor hygiene. The body louse is generally found in people who do not have access to basic necessities, such as the homeless.

Pubic lice are found attached to coarse body hair that can be found in eyebrows, eyelashes, facial, chest, armpits, & groin hairs. This type of louse is common in adults & could be indicative of sexual exposure in children.

Scabies is mites that burrow under the skin causing rash & itching. The most common symptoms are intense itching & a pimple-like rash. These mites can spread very quickly under crowded conditions with close body contact. In addition to nursing homes, extended care facilities, & prisons, child-care facilities are a common refuge for scabies.

The scope of this article is not to educate for treatment but to educate for a means to attack these bugs before they set up camp in your or your family's hair & skin. If you can make the living environment unpleasant for body bugs & lower the risk for what could not only affect your overall health, both mentally & physically, by changing something you use every day, would you do it?

By substituting your current shower soap with soap infused with tea tree essential oil, not only are you getting the glycerin that cold process soap offers but also the benefit of the medicinal properties of the tea tree essential oil. You should always test a portion of your skin prior to washing your entire body daily to ensure you are not allergic to the tea tree. If you have treated any type of lice problem in the past, then you are well aware of the work & money it takes to rid your person & home environment of a lice infestation. Having 1 more piece of arsenal in your kit, especially if you work in schools, nursing homes, or have small children, you have a higher chance of deterring these body bugs before they set up camp!

Our Tea Tree soap contains coconut, olive, & sunflower oils with a generous amount of Tea Tree essential oil. While Tea Tree smells camphorous & medicinal, tea tree excels as a natural remedy for treating bacterial & fungal skin conditions & promotes healing. Tea tree hails properties of antiseptic value, helps keep pesky bugs away (great to use prior to outdoor recreation), is able to kill & repel lice, reduces severe acne, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, dandruff & cradle cap control, & easing psoriasis & eczema symptoms.

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